Celebrate National Nurses Week from May 6th to May 12th 2023

“The Lady with the Lamp” – most commonly known as Florence Nightingale – founded what we now know as “modern nursing” at the end of the 19th century. Her strict usage of hygiene practices while providing care to the soldiers of the Crimean War aided in reducing the death rate of the sick and wounded from a whopping 42% down to a mere 2%. As a result of her efforts and the efforts of those after her, each year on May 6th is Nurses Day. Nurses Week runs from May 6th to May 12th. Additionally, the entire Month of May is identified as National Nurses Month.

The HistoryNational Nurses Week

National Nurses Day always starts on the very first day of National Nursing Week – May 6th. It ends on May 12th, which is the birthday of Florence Nightingale. The very first week that this was observed was in the year of 1954 and during the month of October. The reason being was that this date marked the 100th-year anniversary of the work that Florence Nightingale did within Crimea. Fast forward two decades later in 1974, President Nixon made an official proclamation that National Nurse Week would be officially celebrated in May each year.

Throughout the following eight years, numerous nursing-based organizations – such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) – gathered together to develop support for a day that would recognize nurses nationally. This day would come on May 6th, after President Ronald Reagan made an official proclamation in 1982. Today, this is referred to as “National Nurses Day” or the “National Recognition Day for Nurses”. This day continues to be celebrated in 2023.

The Profession

The nursing profession has 3+ million individuals in the field. In fact, it has been established that nurses actually make up the highest percentage of workers in the healthcare industry. On average, our nurses walk over 3 miles, per shift. Each day, these professionals suffer strains and a wide assortment of injuries – including those with the back – in caring for others. Nurses work in hospitals, nursing homes, doctor offices, and many other locations.  National Nurses Week allows us to show our appreciation for their work, the hardships they face, and the complications they experience to ensure that their patients are happy and healthy. 


There are many ways to show your appreciation to nurses this Nurses Week. First, you could offer them your thanks for all that they do. It does not matter what nurse you thank, where they work, or what type of nurse they are, they are sure to appreciate your gratitude for their work and for them, as a person. You may also reward a nurse with a thank you card or a special gift. It could be flowers, candy, a special meal, a gift certificate, or another type of gift. Your favorite nurse is sure to appreciate any and everything that you do! By simply expressing your gratitude and honoring the nurses in your life, you are upholding the values and purpose behind National Nurses Week!

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