World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th. This particular day is chosen as it is the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization in the year of 1948. This organization – also known as the “WHO” – is considered to be the leading expert or health authority within the system of the United Nations.
World Health Day is a day utilized to celebrate the organization and is used by the World Health Organization to highlight a priority within the global health system. World Health Day 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the organization and this year’s campaign is “Health for All”.
Health for All
The Health for All campaign this year was created with the vision that all people should have access to the health services that are required – when needed – without financial hardship. When optimal health is accomplished, all will be able to live a life that is highly fulfilling.
Leaders should take the steps that are necessary to offer universal health care coverage and populations should work together to ensure that those leaders are held accountable.
The right to health is the most basic of all human rights. Unfortunately, about 30% of all people throughout the world are unable to have access to even the most essential of all healthcare services. A total of about two billion people experiences immense healthcare expenses.
Additionally, those in vulnerable settings experience additional complications in obtaining the healthcare services that they need when they need them.
Universal health coverage – also identified as “UHC” – is a coverage type that offers a high level of financial protection to people. Additionally, it offers access to the services that are needed. By having this in place, it provides a boost to the access of the necessary services required by people.
Healthcare providers should become “people-centered” and offer people-centered care to patients. Those that make healthcare policies should place an emphasis on providing universal health coverage.
According to research, those that integrate the primary health care or “PHC” approach offer the most effective means of bringing health care to populations.
In fact, this is considered the most effective and the single most cost-effective solution – in terms of providing health related services and bringing people closer to the services that they require.
Various issues – such as COVID-19 and its variants, health-related emergencies, the humanitarian crisis, the climate crisis, economic problems, wars, and other issues have made the “Health for All” concept extremely urgent. Progress needs to occur or the health of our nation and of the world will suffer immensely.
Leaders, healthcare providers, and populations need to place a strong focus on Health for All, once and for all.
World Health Day 2023 – which falls on April 7th each year – is a celebration of the anniversary of the World Health Organization. This year, the organization invites everyone to join them in pushing for Health for All.
We must all obtain the motivation to tackle the health-based challenges that are occurring today and will occur in the future. Join in World Health Day 2023 to help create a healthier and happier world!